Module Lwt_sys

System informations.

exception Not_available of string

Not_available(feature) is an exception that may be raised when a feature is not available on the current system.

type feature = [
| `wait4
| `get_cpu
| `get_affinity
| `set_affinity
| `recv_msg
| `send_msg
| `fd_passing
| `get_credentials
| `mincore
| `madvise
| `fdatasync
| `libev

Features that can be tested.

val have : feature -> bool

Test whether the given feature is available on the current system.

type byte_order =
| Little_endian
| Big_endian

Type of byte order

val byte_order : byte_order

The byte order used by the computer running the program.

val windows : bool

Use Sys.win32.