Module Lwt_process

Process management

type command = string * string array

A command. The first field is the name of the executable and the second is the list of arguments. For example:

("ls", [|"ls"; "-l"|])


  • if the name is the empty string, then the first argument will be used. You should specify a name only if you do not want the executable to be searched in the PATH. On Windows the only way to enable automatic search in PATH is to pass an empty name.
  • it is possible to ``inline'' an argument, i.e. split it into multiple arguments. To do that prefix it with "\000". For example:
("", [|"echo"; "\000foo bar"|])

is the same as:

("", [|"echo"; "foo"; "bar"|])
val shell : string -> command

A command executed with the shell. (with "/bin/sh -c <cmd>" on Unix and "cmd.exe /c <cmd>" on Windows).

High-level functions


type redirection = [
| `Keep
| `Dev_null
| `Close
| `FD_copy of Unix.file_descr
| `FD_move of Unix.file_descr

File descriptor redirections. These are used with the ~stdin, ~stdout, and ~stderr arguments below to specify how the standard file descriptors should be redirected in the child process.

  • `Keep: point to the same file as in the parent.
  • `Dev_null: redirect to /dev/null (POSIX) or nul (Win32).
  • `Close: close the file descriptor.
  • `FD_copy fd redirect to the file pointed to by fd. fd remains open.
  • `FD_move fd redirect to the file pointed to by fd. fd is then closed.

All optional redirection arguments default to `Keep.


val exec : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> Unix.process_status Lwt.t

Executes the given command and returns its exit status.


val pread : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> string Lwt.t
val pread_chars : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> char Lwt_stream.t
val pread_line : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> string Lwt.t
val pread_lines : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> string Lwt_stream.t


val pwrite : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val pwrite_chars : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> char Lwt_stream.t -> unit Lwt.t
val pwrite_line : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val pwrite_lines : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> string Lwt_stream.t -> unit Lwt.t


val pmap : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> string -> string Lwt.t
val pmap_chars : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> char Lwt_stream.t -> char Lwt_stream.t
val pmap_line : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> string -> string Lwt.t
val pmap_lines : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> string Lwt_stream.t -> string Lwt_stream.t

Spawning processes

type state =
| Running

The process is still running

| Exited of Unix.process_status

The process has exited

State of a sub-process

class process_none : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> object ... end
val open_process_none : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> process_none
val with_process_none : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> (process_none -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
class process_in : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> object ... end
val open_process_in : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> process_in
val with_process_in : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdin:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> (process_in -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
class process_out : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> object ... end
val open_process_out : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> process_out
val with_process_out : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stdout:redirection -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> (process_out -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
class process : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> object ... end
val open_process : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> process
val with_process : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> ?⁠stderr:redirection -> command -> (process -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
class process_full : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> command -> object ... end
val open_process_full : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> command -> process_full
val with_process_full : ?⁠timeout:float -> ?⁠env:string array -> ?⁠cwd:string -> command -> (process_full -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t