Module Httpaf.Response


A server-generated message to a Request.

type t = {
version : Version.t;
status : Status.t;
reason : string;
headers : Headers.t;
val create : ?⁠reason:string -> ?⁠version:Version.t -> ?⁠headers:Headers.t -> Status.t -> t

create ?reason ?version ?headers status creates an HTTP response with the given parameters. For typical use cases, it's sufficient to provide values for headers and status.

val body_length : ?⁠proxy:bool -> request_method:Method.standard -> t -> [ `Fixed of Stdlib.Int64.t | `Chunked | `Close_delimited | `Error of [ `Bad_gateway | `Internal_server_error ] ]

body_length ?proxy ~request_method t is the length of the message body accompanying t assuming it is a response to a request whose method was request_method. If the calling code is acting as a proxy, it should pass ~proxy:true. This optional parameter only affects error reporting.

See RFC7230§3.3.3 for more details.

val persistent_connection : ?⁠proxy:bool -> t -> bool

persistent_connection ?proxy t indicates whether the connection for t can be reused for multiple requests and responses. If the calling code is acting as a proxy, it should pass ~proxy:true.

See RFC7230§6.3 for more details.

val pp_hum : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit