Module Graphql_lwt.Schema

GraphQL schema with Lwt support

include Graphql_intf.Schema with type 'a Io.t = 'a Lwt.t and type 'a Io.Stream.t = 'a Lwt_stream.t * (unit -> unit) and type field_error = string
module Io : Graphql_intf.IO with type 'a t = 'a Lwt.t and type 'a Stream.t = 'a Lwt_stream.t * (unit -> unit)
module StringMap : sig ... end
type field_error = string

Base types

type 'ctx schema
type ('ctx, 'src) field
type 'ctx subscription_field
type ('ctx, 'src) typ
type 'a enum_value


val schema : ?⁠mutation_name:string -> ?⁠mutations:('ctx, unit) field list -> ?⁠subscription_name:string -> ?⁠subscriptions:'ctx subscription_field list -> ?⁠query_name:string -> ('ctx, unit) field list -> 'ctx schema
type deprecated =
| NotDeprecated
| Deprecated of string option
val enum_value : ?⁠doc:string -> ?⁠deprecated:deprecated -> string -> value:'a -> 'a enum_value
val obj : ?⁠doc:string -> string -> fields:(('ctx'src option) typ -> ('ctx'src) field list) -> ('ctx'src option) typ
module Arg : sig ... end
type variable_map = Graphql_parser.const_value StringMap.t
type fragment_map = Graphql_parser.fragment StringMap.t
type 'ctx resolve_info = {
ctx : 'ctx;
field : Graphql_parser.field;
fragments : fragment_map;
variables : variable_map;
val field : ?⁠doc:string -> ?⁠deprecated:deprecated -> string -> typ:('ctx'a) typ -> args:('a'b) Arg.arg_list -> resolve:('ctx resolve_info -> 'src -> 'b) -> ('ctx'src) field
val io_field : ?⁠doc:string -> ?⁠deprecated:deprecated -> string -> typ:('ctx'a) typ -> args:(('afield_error) Stdlib.result Io.t'b) Arg.arg_list -> resolve:('ctx resolve_info -> 'src -> 'b) -> ('ctx'src) field
val subscription_field : ?⁠doc:string -> ?⁠deprecated:deprecated -> string -> typ:('ctx'out) typ -> args:(('out Io.Stream.tfield_error) Stdlib.result Io.t'args) Arg.arg_list -> resolve:('ctx resolve_info -> 'args) -> 'ctx subscription_field
val enum : ?⁠doc:string -> string -> values:'a enum_value list -> ('ctx'a option) typ
val scalar : ?⁠doc:string -> string -> coerce:('a -> Yojson.Basic.json) -> ('ctx'a option) typ
val list : ('ctx'src) typ -> ('ctx'src list option) typ
val non_null : ('ctx'src option) typ -> ('ctx'src) typ
type ('ctx, 'a) abstract_value
type ('ctx, 'a) abstract_typ = ('ctx('ctx'a) abstract_value option) typ
val union : ?⁠doc:string -> string -> ('ctx'a) abstract_typ
type abstract_field
val abstract_field : ?⁠doc:string -> ?⁠deprecated:deprecated -> string -> typ:(_'a) typ -> args:('a_) Arg.arg_list -> abstract_field
val interface : ?⁠doc:string -> string -> fields:(('ctx'a) abstract_typ -> abstract_field list) -> ('ctx'a) abstract_typ
val add_type : ('ctx'a) abstract_typ -> ('ctx'src option) typ -> 'src -> ('ctx'a) abstract_value

Built-in scalars

val int : ('ctxint option) typ
val string : ('ctxstring option) typ
val guid : ('ctxstring option) typ
val bool : ('ctxbool option) typ
val float : ('ctxfloat option) typ
type variables = (string * Graphql_parser.const_value) list
type 'a response = ('a, Yojson.Basic.json) Stdlib.result
val execute : 'ctx schema -> 'ctx -> ?⁠variables:variables -> ?⁠operation_name:string -> Graphql_parser.document -> [ `Response of Yojson.Basic.json | `Stream of Yojson.Basic.json response Io.Stream.t ] response Io.t

execute schema ctx variables doc evaluates the doc against schema with the given context ctx and variables.